Our 2024 year in review
Summary: BHSI had a good year in 2024. We are financially strong, have a continuing web presence, participate in safety community activities and are beginning to seek leadership evolution.
BHSI's 2024 activities included:
- Held our annual Board meeting in February
- Maintained our web presence with frequent updates and constant maintenance
- Participated in the 2024 Bicycle Summit (virtual)
- Investigated 68 helmet lines at the Eurobike trade show in Frankfurt
- Joined the NHTSA-sponsored National Bicycle Helmet Use Coalition
- Attended ASTM F08 committee meetings in Philadelphia and Orlando
- Sent a helmet sample to a test lab and published a summary of the test results
- Attended board member training by the Leadership Center of Arlington
- Published six email newsletters
- Began sending our Toolkit for Helmet Promotion Programs on USB drives
- Paid our taxes and maintained registrations: national, state, local
- Improved our financial position as donations exceeded expenditures
- Began a leadership evolution, seeking new and younger volunteers
In all, it was a well-rounded year. We are grateful to the individual donors who made it possible.