
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

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Bicycle Helmet Pages on our Site

Summary: This page is an index to many bicycle helmet pages on our site.

Helmets for the 2025 season
Our report on helmets for this year.
Where is the anti-concussion helmet?
You can look for it...but you won't find it.
Cheap vs. Expensive Helmets
Lab tests showed no difference in impact protection.
A visit to the CPSC helmet testing lab
A photo tour of CPSC's helmet test facility.
CPSC complaints database
First case illustrated good and bad features of the database.
Helmet recalls
All CPSC helmet compliance actions since 1995.
Types of helmets
Road, mountain, downhill, skate, chrono
Helmet terms and definitions
Meanings for the helmet terms we use.
Bikeshare programs and helmets
Including first study on helmet use.
Folding helmets
Needed for bike share programs, but must meet CPSC for US.
Plastics in your helmet?
Helmet plastics are probably not a cause for concern.
Are Ribcaps OK for cycling?
They do not provide the protection you need.
Cheap helmets!
Sources of helmets for promotion campaigns.
Yard sale helmets
Should I buy a used helmet at a yard sale?
Full Face helmets
Do you want facial protection?
Helmet size
Size chart and how to measure your head for a helmet.
How to Fit a Helmet
How to fit a helmet for best protection.
Helmet fit checklist
Helmet fitting steps.
Very large helmets
Our advice for riders with very large heads.
Small helmets for adults
Advice on finding small adult helmets
Very small helmets for children
Why can't I find a helmet small enough?
Helmets for unusually-shaped heads
Our advice for riders with unusually-shaped heads.
Hairstyles and baseball caps
Baseball caps, pony tails, beads, braids, "helmet hair"
Do-rags and head covers under helmets
Does a head cover affect helmet fit?
One-size-fits-all helmets
Can ring fit systems fit your head?
Vents and squared-off lines
You can have too many vents in your helmet!
Visors: good and bad experience
How to report shattered or snagged visors
The helmet industry
Industry news on a few of the manufacturers.
Bell's True Fit system is worth a look
System simplifies the fitting process.
Winter helmets
Warm headgear for winter commuting and riding.
Lights on Helmets
Headlights and taillights mounted on helmets can be useful.
Giving a helmet as a present.
May not be a simple task.
Reflective helmets
Should you add reflective tape to your helmet?
Stickers on helmets
Should you add stickers to your helmet?
Painting helmets
Can you paint a helmet?
Helmets for many other activities
Scooter, ski, soccer, skating, equestrian and more.
Multi-purpose helmets
Can't I just use the same helmet for everything?
Helmets for motorbikes and motor scooters
Why a bicycle helmet is not ok for motor vehicles.
Crash stories
Stories where the helmet worked.
Other crashes
Helmet, no helmet or non-bicycle. These are downers.
When can I ride again?
Ask your doctor before riding after a crash.
Response to "truck ran over cyclist's head"
A helmet can help squirt the head out, but will crush if squarely run over.
Helmet damage sensors and indicators.
Most are not really concussion indicators.
Fake or counterfeit helmets
How to avoid them.

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